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Author: Anne

Sustainable fashion

Es geht um den Antrieb weshalb und wieso. Hintergründe die aus unserem besten Wissen heraus dazu führen, eben genau diese ganzen Bedingungen an Produktion und Waren zu stellen.

Aus der Webseite shop.outdoorcanarias.es:

Chemie Fasern Outdoor

Und da man in der Regel als Outdoor-Aktivist unterwegs ist, ist der Tragekomfort über viele Tage sowie das Gewicht für Rucksackreisen oder Flugreisen von größter Bedeutung. Wie Sie sehen, gibt es viele Anforderungen an technische Bekleidung für den Bergsport.

Reserva Biosfera Canarias

La Palma and the Canary Islands are also part of these protected areas. And how important it is that all of us, those who work in the economy as well as the inhabitants and consumers, become aware of this and try to move in this direction. And how to integrate in a considerate and responsible…
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Virgen del Pino

Entry at the centro de visitante (one of the island information centers, for the nationalpark caldera de taburiente in el paso.) Here you will find detailed descriptions about the fauna and flora of this area and lots of information about the extensive, well-developed hiking network. It is highly recommended to look around there extensively before…
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Mercadillo del Agricultor de Puntagorda

This popular holiday destination is located in the northwest of the island. In the otherwise very remote village of Puntagorda. For many years, fruit, vegetables and now also various handicrafts from the islanders (including those who have moved here) have been sold here every weekend. Events such as wine tastings and music performances are often…
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La Palma-Caldera de Taburiente

Nationalpark: La Caldera de Taburiente A huge crater-like fringing mountain formation whose giant barrancos (gullies / cliff-like slopes) lead down and extend in a rocky riverbed which see ms to be the only way out into the sea. Of course, this is the whole island of a volcanic origin and of course the Caldera de…
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La Palma-Los Tilos

Los Tilos the quaint laurel forest, located in the municipality of San Andres and Los Sauces in the northeast of the island of La Palma. This impressive ecosystem dating back to the Tertiary period is even one of the archipelago’s most important laurel forests. Thus, it was voted the island’s first biosphere reserve. This diverse…
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La Palma-Refugio el Pilar

Es ist ein beliebter Erholungsort (etwa 1500 m) auf dem zentralen Bergmassiv welches sich vom Süden bis zum Norden erstreckt und die Insel in Ost und West einteilt. “Refugio” es gibt viele solcher einladenen Rastplätze auf der Insel. Mit dem Namen sind zum Picknick und Grillen ausgebaute Besucherplätze gemeint. Das Refugio “El Pilar” ist ein…
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