National Park,Caldera de Taburiente.
Our National Reserve, the Canon de Taburiente, is the heart of our island. It is the most visited area. It is the first region to be created above sea level when the Taburiente volcano eroded more than 8 million years ago and over time has formed these interesting formations consisting of the ‘Pico del Begenado’, the ‘Pico de las Nieves’ and the ‘Roque de los Muchachos’. These main peaks form a large number of interesting smaller areas in which nature has made its characteristic deformations.

The beautiful and characteristic natural side on the island of La Palma, originally called “San Miguel de La Palma”, has been impressing people all along the history of mankind, with its incredibly beautiful landscape. The tropical islands, part of the Canary Archipelago, located in the Atlantic Ocean near the Saharan coast, transform the weather conditions into an amazing environment, where you as a planet traveller will find any type of biom for any interested person/animal. As examples you have:
Southern sides of our islands, where it is pleasant to go out as a family or alone, with pets or just for a walk, the almost desert views on the volcanic terrains, pines and magnificent views are plans for every kind.
North sides are better reasons for the summer,also natives search the cool forests and reserve parks to find some rest from stressful days. These plans we suggest more,for a whole trekking day,means several ours,longer paths and less resting places.
West side very enjoyable for nice “endtrip ideas after a long walking day” plans,at the beach in Tazacorte there will be full action anytime,in summer more obvious,for who wants,check the (ILoveFestival). Anyway,we recommend inserting the beach as an end plan (19h-20:00 h) to take a refresch and a dinner for a comfortable evening,without hesitation.
Eastside, as you will see, is designed more as the arrival and check out area along your residence on La Palma. It has the inspiring capital, the Maropark and several opportunities for souvenirs and a view of historical panoramas of our island.
- Los Tilos
- Los Tilos
- Bejenado
- El Paso
- Puntagorda
- Puntagorda